What must you do to convert the annotated bibliography to an APA-formatted reference page as part of the rough draft of your research paper?


1. Delete the phrases and/or sentences that comprise the annotation.

2. Follow the directions in the site linked above. For specifics in the reference and citation of sources, scroll all the way to the bottom of the webpage and click on the links for various items.

To convert an annotated bibliography to an APA-formatted reference page as part of your research paper's rough draft, you should follow these steps:

1. Understand the APA format: Familiarize yourself with the rules and guidelines of APA formatting. This includes knowing how to format authors' names, title capitalization, italicization, punctuation, and indentation.

2. Identify the required elements: Look for the required elements for APA-formatted references. These commonly include authors' names, publication dates, titles, source information (such as journal names or book publishers), and page numbers.

3. Separate annotations from citations: In an annotated bibliography, each citation is usually followed by a brief annotation summarizing and evaluating the source. Remove these annotations, as the APA reference page only includes the formal citations without annotations.

4. Arrange references alphabetically: Organize your references alphabetically by the last name of the first author. If no author is identified, use the first significant word of the title to alphabetize the entry.

5. Format the citations: Format each reference entry according to APA guidelines. Here are some key rules to follow:
- Authors: List the author's last name, followed by initials. If there are multiple authors, separate them with a comma and an ampersand (&) before the last author's name.
- Publication date: Provide the year of publication inside parentheses.
- Title: Capitalize the first letter of the first word in the title and any subtitles. Italicize the entire title.
- Source information: Depending on the type of source (e.g., book, journal article, website), include relevant information such as the name of the journal, volume and issue numbers, the page range, or the URL.
- Hanging indentation: Indent the second and subsequent lines of each reference entry.

6. Double-check accuracy and consistency: Make sure that each citation is accurate and follows a consistent format. Check for any mistakes in author names, titles, punctuation, or capitalization.

7. Consult APA style guide or citation tools: If you're unsure about specific formatting details or need further guidance, consult the official APA style guide or use reputable citation tools such as citation generators, reference management software, or online databases that offer APA formatting options.

By following these steps, you can convert an annotated bibliography into an APA-formatted reference page for your research paper's rough draft. Remember to review and adhere to the specific requirements set by your instructor or institution as they may have additional preferences or guidelines.