As an environmental science teacher, how would you respond to someone who tells you (a) that he or she does not believe in biological evolution because it is “just a theory, “ and (b) we should not worry about air pollution because through natural selection, the human species will develop lungs that can detoxify pollutants?

The science of evolution is based on proven scientific facts. Exactly how evolution works is is answered by theories. This site has a great explanation.

It certainly is not a fact that people will develop lungs that can detoxify pollutants. Even if they could, it takes thousands of years for anatomical changes to evolve. I can't wait that long.

It is also important to try to find out if the person would accept anything you would explain about evolution at all. Often their point of view is motivated by religion and they won't accept anything that contradicts their belief.

As an environmental science teacher, it is important to approach these statements with scientific evidence and logical reasoning. Here is how you could respond to someone who expresses these beliefs:

(a) Regarding the disbelief in biological evolution, it is essential to clarify the definition of a scientific theory. In scientific terms, a theory is not just a guess or speculation; it is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world. Biological evolution, as a scientific theory, is supported by extensive evidence from various scientific disciplines such as paleontology, genetics, and comparative anatomy.

To address this point, you could direct the person to a reputable source that explains the scientific evidence for evolution. The TalkOrigins website ( provides a comprehensive explanation of why evolution is considered a scientific fact. This resource can help them understand the evidence and the logical framework supporting the theory of evolution.

(b) Regarding the notion that humans will develop lungs capable of detoxifying pollutants through natural selection, it is important to clarify the limitations of evolutionary processes and the timescales involved. Evolution occurs over prolonged periods of time, often spanning thousands or even millions of years.

While it is true that organisms can adapt to their environments through natural selection, the process of developing new adaptations takes significant time. This is because evolutionary changes generally occur gradually and require numerous generations for noticeable transformations to manifest.

In the case of air pollution, it cannot be assumed that humans will simply develop lungs that are capable of detoxifying pollutants over a short time span. Air pollution affects a wide range of organs and bodily systems, making the notion of spontaneous and rapid detoxification highly unlikely.

Therefore, it is crucial to understand that addressing air pollution must rely on our abilities to mitigate and reduce pollution through scientific, societal, and policy-based approaches. Waiting for evolutionary changes to occur naturally is not a viable or responsible solution to urgent environmental issues.

It is also worth considering the motivations behind these beliefs. If someone's disbelief in evolution stems from religious or philosophical perspectives, it may be challenging to change their viewpoint with scientific evidence alone. In such cases, fostering open and respectful dialogue while acknowledging differing beliefs can help promote a better understanding of the subject matter.

In response to someone who does not believe in biological evolution, it is important to emphasize that the science of evolution is not just a mere theory, but based on a wealth of proven scientific facts. While the specific mechanisms of evolution are explained by theories, the overall concept of evolution is supported by extensive evidence from various fields of study.

I would recommend sharing a reliable source, such as the website, which provides a comprehensive explanation of why evolution is considered a scientific fact. This resource includes evidence from multiple scientific disciplines, such as genetics, paleontology, and comparative anatomy.

As for the notion that natural selection will lead to humans developing lungs capable of detoxifying pollutants, it is important to emphasize that this is purely speculative and not supported by scientific evidence. Natural selection acts on existing variations within a population, promoting traits that confer a selective advantage for survival and reproduction. However, the evolution of complex anatomical changes, such as developing detoxifying lungs, would require significant genetic changes and an extended timeframe, often taking thousands or even millions of years to occur.

Furthermore, waiting for such adaptations to naturally occur is not a practical solution to address air pollution. Air pollution has immediate negative impacts on human health and the environment. Therefore, it is crucial to address air pollution through proactive measures, such as reducing emissions, implementing air quality regulations, and promoting sustainable practices.

Finally, it is worth considering the underlying motivations of the person's skepticism. In some cases, individuals may reject evolution due to conflicts with their religious beliefs. In such situations, it may be challenging to persuade them solely based on scientific evidence. It is important to approach the conversation with sensitivity and respect, understanding that beliefs can be deeply ingrained.