Simplify: 3/4/4/5

answer choices are:
a) 3/5
b) 5/3
C) 15/16
How do I go about solving this fraction, please show me how to work this.

3/4 divided by 4/5

1. Invert the second fraction.

3/4 / 5/4

2. Multiply the numerators and denominators.

What answer do you get?


Right! :-)

Why is Piggy's fall emphasized in Lord of the Flies?

In "Lord of the Flies," Piggy's fall is highlighted to convey several important themes and messages. Here are a few reasons why Piggy's fall is emphasized:

1. Symbolism: Piggy symbolizes reason, intelligence, and civilization on the island. His fall represents the collapse of these qualities as the boys descend into savagery. By emphasizing his demise, the author underscores the loss of rationality and the descent into chaos that occurs throughout the novel.

2. Social Order: Piggy is often portrayed as an outcast due to his physical appearance and intellectual nature. His fall serves as a tragic example of the consequences of marginalizing those who possess wisdom and insight. It highlights the destructive nature of excluding others based on appearances or differences.

3. Loss of Morality: Piggy's fall also demonstrates the moral decline that takes place among the boys on the island. As Piggy is killed by Roger, one of the boys, it symbolizes the complete disregard for human life and the loss of empathy and compassion that have taken hold of the boys.

4. Power and Leadership: Piggy's fall is tied to the struggle for power and leadership on the island. His murder represents the elimination of a voice of reason that could have potentially saved the group from their destructive impulses. It highlights the tragic consequences of unchecked leadership and the dangers of choosing dominance over cooperation.

Overall, the emphasis on Piggy's fall serves to reinforce the novel's themes of civilization, the fragility of morality, the consequences of power struggles, and the destructive nature of exclusion and marginalization.