
Which sentence contains a dangling modifier?

1. When the storm began to abate, we went home.

2. By the light of the moon, I tripped over a rock.

3. The dog that is man's best friend is cat's worst enemy.

I don't see any dangling modifiers in here. Here are some websites with really good explanations so you can check them out. Then below, I'll explain what each sentence is.




1. introductory adverbial (dependent) clause + main clause

2. introductory prepositional phrases + main clause

3. main clause with a relative (dependent) clause in it


Let me know if you have more questions.


Hello! I can see why you might be confused, but actually, sentence number 2 contains a dangling modifier. Let me explain what a dangling modifier is and why it applies to sentence 2.

A dangling modifier occurs when a modifying phrase or clause is placed in a sentence, but it is not clearly and logically connected to the word it is intended to modify. This can lead to confusion or ambiguity in the sentence.

In sentence number 2, the introductory prepositional phrase "By the light of the moon" is the modifier. However, it is not clearly connected to the subject of the main clause, "I tripped over a rock." It is unclear whether the person tripped over the rock "by the light of the moon" or if the light of the moon was responsible for the tripping.

To correct this dangling modifier, you can rephrase the sentence to clearly connect the modifier to the subject. For example: "As I walked, I tripped over a rock illuminated by the light of the moon."

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any more questions.