the length of rectangle is fixed at 17 cm. What widths will make the perimeter greater than 82 cm?


2w + 2(17) > 82

To find the widths that will make the perimeter of a rectangle greater than 82 cm, we need to set up an inequality based on the given information.

Let's assume the width of the rectangle is "w" cm.
Length of the rectangle = 17 cm
Perimeter of a rectangle = 2(length + width)

We can set up the inequality as follows:
2(17 + w) > 82

Now, let's solve this inequality to find the range of widths that will make the perimeter greater than 82 cm.

2(17 + w) > 82
34 + 2w > 82
2w > 82 - 34
2w > 48
w > 48 / 2
w > 24

Therefore, any width greater than 24 cm will make the perimeter of the rectangle greater than 82 cm.