Where can you get the Julius Ceaser video from?

I need to watch it for school

Caution: There are many versions of Caesar.

The Carlton Heston, Jason Robards cast is rated the best of the movies and recommended by teachers for classroom use.

Ok thankyou GuruBlue and bobpursley.

To find and watch the Julius Caesar video for your school assignment, you have a few options:

1. Online Video Streaming Platforms:
Start by checking popular streaming platforms such as Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, or Disney+. These platforms may have adaptations of Julius Caesar in the form of films or TV series.

2. Educational Websites:
Look for educational websites that offer video content related to Julius Caesar and Shakespeare's plays. Websites like Khan Academy, TED-Ed, and BBC Teach may have resources specifically designed for educational purposes.

3. Library Resources:
Visit your local library and inquire about any video resources they have available. Libraries often have a collection of DVDs or access to online resources that could include documentaries or recorded performances of Julius Caesar.

4. School Resources:
Check with your school's library or media center. They might have video resources on-site or have access to online databases that provide educational videos. Additionally, ask your teacher if they have any specific recommendations or resources connected to the curriculum.

Remember, it is essential to verify the source and ensure it meets the requirements of your school assignment.