Can someone help me with annotating sources from the Aix library. I cant seem to understand how to do it.

This is how I referenced my sources APA style:

1)"'The law should support positive discrimination in the workplace.'." Lawyer 2 B (May 21, 2009): 73. General OneFile. Gale. Apollo Library. 27 June 2009

2)McElroy, Wendy. (2002). 21st CENTURY FEMINISM. Everyman, (54), 9. Retrieved June 27, 2009, from GenderWatch (GW) database. (Document ID: 540718101).

Martins, L., & Parsons, C. (2007, May). Effects of gender diversity management on perceptions of organizational attractiveness: The role of individual differences in attitudes and beliefs. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92(3), 865-875. Retrieved June 26, 2009, doi:10.1037/0021-9010.92.3.865

1 comes from: Gale
2 comes from: Pro Quest
3 comes from: EBSCOhost
PLEASE HELP, its due by midnight pacific time.

To annotate your sources from the Aix library in APA style, you need to follow a specific format. Here's how you can annotate each source:

1) "'The law should support positive discrimination in the workplace.'." Lawyer 2 B (May 21, 2009): 73. General OneFile. Gale. Apollo Library. 27 June 2009.

To annotate this source, you can provide a brief summary of the main points or argument of the article. Additionally, you can mention the relevance of this source to your research or essay. For example:

This article from the "Lawyer 2 B" journal argues in favor of positive discrimination in the workplace. It discusses the importance of legal support for promoting diversity and equal opportunities. This source is valuable for my research as it provides insights into the benefits and justifications for positive discrimination.

2) McElroy, Wendy. (2002). 21st CENTURY FEMINISM. Everyman, (54), 9. Retrieved June 27, 2009, from GenderWatch (GW) database. (Document ID: 540718101).

To annotate this source, provide a concise summary of the main ideas or findings presented in the article. You can also mention the significance of the source in the context of your research. For instance:

McElroy's article explores the concepts and challenges related to feminism in the 21st century. It discusses the changing dynamics of gender roles and advocates for a modern approach to feminism. This source adds valuable insights to my research on contemporary feminist movements and their relevance in today's society.

3) Martins, L., & Parsons, C. (2007, May). Effects of gender diversity management on perceptions of organizational attractiveness: The role of individual differences in attitudes and beliefs. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92(3), 865-875. Retrieved June 26, 2009, doi:10.1037/0021-9010.92.3.865.

For this source, provide a brief summary of the research conducted, including the key findings or implications. Also, mention how this source is relevant to your research topic. Here's an example:

Martins and Parsons' research examines the impact of gender diversity management on organizational attractiveness. The study explores how individual attitudes and beliefs influence perceptions of diversity practices within an organization. This source is valuable as it provides empirical evidence on the effects of gender diversity management, which aligns with my research on the importance and strategies for promoting diversity in the workplace.

Remember to tailor your annotations based on the specific content of each source and its relevance to your research. This will help provide a clear understanding of how each source contributes to your study.