which of the following sentences contains an implied metaphor?

a. the small sailboat bobbed about like a cork on the huge ocean
b. the wind looked down upon the tiny craft, laughed, and then attacked
c. the battle between wind and boat raged on for an hour
d. then the damaged vessel rolled over like a dead fish

can you please tell me if it's A or C, soo confused

It can't be a. or d. because they are similes, using the word "like."

It must be c.

To determine which of the given sentences contains an implied metaphor, let's first understand what an implied metaphor is. An implied metaphor is a figure of speech where a comparison is indirectly made between two things without using the words "like" or "as." It suggests a resemblance between the two things rather than stating the comparison directly.

Now, let's analyze each option to find the implied metaphor:

a. "The small sailboat bobbed about like a cork on the huge ocean."
In this sentence, the comparison between the sailboat and the cork is stated explicitly, using the word "like." So, it is not an implied metaphor.

b. "The wind looked down upon the tiny craft, laughed, and then attacked."
This sentence does not contain a comparison or a metaphor. It describes the wind's actions without implying a resemblance.

c. "The battle between wind and boat raged on for an hour."
Here, the word "battle" implies a comparison between the wind and the boat. This suggests that the wind and the boat are engaged in a struggle, but it does not directly state the comparison, making it an implied metaphor.

d. "Then the damaged vessel rolled over like a dead fish."
This sentence uses the word "like" to directly compare the damaged vessel to a dead fish. Therefore, it is not an implied metaphor.

So, the sentence that contains an implied metaphor is option C: "The battle between wind and boat raged on for an hour."