The speed of sound in steel is 5000 m/s. What is the wavelength of the sound wave of 640 Hz in steel?


velocity = frequency * wavelength

V = f*w

5000 m/s = 640 Hz * wavelength
wavelength = 7.8 m

To calculate the wavelength of a sound wave, we can use the formula:

Wavelength = Speed of Sound / Frequency

Speed of sound in steel = 5000 m/s
Frequency of sound wave = 640 Hz

Let's substitute these values into the formula:

Wavelength = 5000 m/s / 640 Hz

Performing the calculation, we get:

Wavelength = 7.8125 meters

Therefore, the wavelength of a sound wave with a frequency of 640 Hz in steel is approximately 7.8125 meters.

To find the wavelength of a sound wave, you can use the formula:

Wavelength = Speed / Frequency

Speed of sound in steel = 5000 m/s
Frequency = 640 Hz

Substituting the values into the formula, we get:

Wavelength = 5000 m/s / 640 Hz

To calculate this, we need to be aware of the units. Since the speed of sound is given in meters per second and the frequency is given in hertz, we need to ensure that the units cancel out correctly. The unit of wavelength should be in meters (m).

Dividing 5000 m/s by 640 Hz, we get:

Wavelength = 7.8125 meters

Therefore, the wavelength of a sound wave with a frequency of 640 Hz in steel is approximately 7.8125 meters.