The name of the common error in the following sentenece?

My answer is Dangling Modifier... Is that correct?
Thank You

1.The dog that is man's best friend, is cat's worst enemy.

There's no dangling modifier here.

There should be either no commas or two commas between a subject and its verb. In this case, there should be no commas at all if "that is man's best friend" is being used as a restrictive clause -- or else there should be two commas if it's being used as a non-restrictive clause.
See the first example given after Superfluous Commas. See also the explanation for number 4 in Comma Usage.

No, the common error in the sentence is not a dangling modifier. The common error in the sentence is the misuse of commas.

The sentence reads: "The dog that is man's best friend, is cat's worst enemy."

In this sentence, the phrase "that is man's best friend" is a restrictive clause, meaning it provides essential information about the subject "dog". When using a restrictive clause, there should be no commas separating it from the rest of the sentence.

So, the correct version of the sentence would be: "The dog that is man's best friend is cat's worst enemy."

Remember, when using restrictive clauses, avoid using commas to separate them from the rest of the sentence.