List at least two effects that organized religion has had on society and give examples from past and/or present world events that illustrate your examples.

Thanks so much for that information!

You're welcome! To answer your question about the effects of organized religion on society, I suggest doing some research on the topic. One way to find information is to use a search engine like Google and enter your question as a search query. Another option is to visit reputable educational websites, such as Khan Academy or Encyclopedia Britannica, which often provide comprehensive articles on societal impacts of organized religion.

Here's an example search query you can use in a search engine: "Effects of organized religion on society examples."

By using this query, you can find a variety of sources discussing the effects of organized religion on society, such as:

1. Influence on social norms and values: Organized religion often shapes societal norms, values, and moral codes. For example, religious beliefs and teachings can influence societal attitudes towards topics like marriage, sexuality, gender roles, and ethical practices. Past events such as the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century and its impact on European society, or the role of religious institutions in shaping civil rights movements in the United States, provide historical examples that illustrate this effect.

2. Contribution to social cohesion and conflict: Organized religion has historically played a significant role in creating social cohesion within communities. It can act as a unifying force, providing a sense of belonging and shared purpose among its followers. However, religion has also been a source of conflict throughout history. Examples like the Crusades, religious wars during the Reformation era, or present-day religious conflicts in the Middle East, showcase how religious differences can lead to division and even violence.

Remember to critically evaluate the sources you find, considering the credibility and expertise of the authors or organizations providing the information. This will help you form a well-rounded understanding of the topic and ensure accuracy in your research.