describe the major strategies and tactics used by various minority groups to reach full participation in Americna society.

(my answer )
minorities= women suffrage, civil rights, native americans? latinos?

most of them used demonstrations or protest rallies. Women's suffrage had rallies or marches. Civil rights movemnt--boycott of buses, marches or rallies.

please add if you can

By far the most effective strategy used by the Civil Rights movement was nonviolent resistance as led by Martin Luther King, Jr. The protesters did not fight back, even when confronted by dogs, fire hoses, and arrests. TV broadcast thousands of images of innocent, passive protesters being confronted by violence. Yet, they kept their cool, and simply sat down. These images swept the country and aroused many people, especially in the North, who were shocked by this treatment of Civil Rights advocates. We could overlook sit-ins, boycotts, marches, and petitions, but we could not ignore this unwarranted violence.

Sit-ins were a useful tactic in which African-Americans sat at lunch counters that expressly forbade them on the basis of their race.

What strategies did Native Americans and Latinos use?

Sure, I can add more information for you. Here are some additional strategies and tactics used by various minority groups to reach full participation in American society:

1. Legal Action: Many minority groups have pursued legal action to challenge discriminatory policies or practices. This includes filing lawsuits, lobbying for changes in legislation, and seeking legal protections under the Constitution.

2. Grassroots Activism: Minority groups have often organized grassroots movements to mobilize their communities, create awareness, and advocate for their rights. This involves activities like community organizing, door-to-door outreach, and community meetings to promote social and political change.

3. Political Participation: Minority groups have actively engaged in the political process to advocate for their rights and interests. This includes running for political office, forming advocacy groups, and mobilizing voters to support candidates who champion their causes.

4. Economic Empowerment: Minority communities have focused on achieving economic empowerment as a means to gain social and political influence. This involves promoting entrepreneurship, financial literacy, and creating economic opportunities through initiatives like minority-owned businesses and cooperative ventures.

5. Education and Awareness: Minority groups have recognized the importance of education and raising awareness about their history, culture, and contributions. They have organized educational programs, cultural events, and initiatives to counter stereotypes, increase understanding, and promote inclusivity.

6. Media and Communication: Minority groups have used media platforms to amplify their voices and increase visibility. This includes creating their own media outlets, utilizing social media, blogging, and partnering with mainstream media to highlight their issues and perspectives.

7. Coalition Building: Many minority groups have sought to build alliances and form coalitions with other marginalized communities and advocacy organizations. This allows for collective strength, increased resources, and the sharing of expertise and strategies to address common struggles and goals.

It's important to note that the strategies and tactics used by different minority groups may vary depending on their specific histories, challenges, and resources. These efforts have played a significant role in improving the social, economic, and political standing of minority communities in American society.