Long but quick chemistry lab that I need confirmation on answers if possible?

OK so I have this lab that went pretty quick and smooth and I have an online assessment that I needed to put all my figures in. I am all complete but am having trouble with 3 problems that the assessment is saying is wrong and I am looking for someone to verify or explain what I am doing incorrect.

Here were the steps of the lab and my findings:

Determining the molecular weight of Acetone:

Step 1: Obtain a Dumas bulb from the Equipment menu.

Step 2: Record the volume of the bulb in liters (volume is marked on bulb). .056L

Step 3: Record the mass the empty bulb using an electronic balance. 50.g

Step 4: Place 20 ml of acetone into the bulb.

Step 5: Obtain a 600-ml beaker.

Step 6: Select Beaker and place about 500 ml of water into beaker or enough to cover neck of bulb.

Step 7: Combine bulb with beaker (using combine menu option).

Step 8: Obtain a hot plate from Equipment menu.

Step 9: Place combined Dumas bulb and beaker assembly onto hot plate.

Step 10: Turn on hot plate to maximum heating setting.

Step 11: Allow all acetone to boil away and wait 1-2 minutes before removing bulb from beaker.

Step 12: After removing bulb from beaker, allow Dumas bulb to cool until acetone vapors have condensed (2-3 minutes).

Step 13: Weigh bulb and condensed vapor using an electronic scale and record result. 50.1062g

Then the lab told me to use this info to answer the assessment:

(i) Volume of Dumas bulb (L): 56ml or .056L

(ii) Mass of empty Dumas bulb (g): 50g

(iii) Mass of Dumas bulb + condensed acetone (g):50.106

(iv) Mass of acetone gas required to fill bulb ((iii) - (ii)): .106

(v) Molecular weight of Acetone: Mass / n = Mass / (PV/RT) = (Mass *R *T) /(P * V) =.00183

Pressure: 1atm
Temperature: 373 Kelvin (boiling point of water)

Then Here was the question I needed to answer (which I am getting number 2,5 and 6 incorrect):

1)Weight of empty Dumas flask=50g
2)Weight of acetone=? I tried both 39.285 & .1062 and it says these are wrong
3)Weight of liquid vapor after condensing=.106
4)Moles of acetone vapor based on ideal gas law=.00183
5)Calculated molecular weight of acetone based on experiment. (Give in grams / mole).= I tried .072 and that's incorrect
6)%error from the theoretical molecular of acetone and the experimental value.=which to me seems like there is a 0% error

I don't have a clue as to what 2 means.

On 5, I would divide the mass (.106) by the number of moles (.--183). That gives something that is not your answer.

0.106g / 0.00183 mol = 57.9 g/mol

[Acetone = CH3-CO-CH3, mol. mass about 58]

Not bad!

To confirm or find the correct answers for the questions you are struggling with, let's go through the process step by step:

1) Weight of the empty Dumas flask: You correctly recorded this as 50g. This is the mass of the flask without any acetone inside.

2) Weight of acetone: To find this value, you need to subtract the weight of the empty flask (50g) from the weight of the flask and condensed acetone (50.1062g). So the correct answer is 50.1062g - 50g = 0.1062g.

3) Weight of the liquid vapor after condensing: You have correctly calculated this as 0.106g.

4) Moles of acetone vapor based on the ideal gas law: You calculated a value of 0.00183 mol.

Now we move on to the questions causing trouble:

5) Calculated molecular weight of acetone based on the experiment: To find the molecular weight, you need to divide the mass of the acetone vapor (0.1062g) by the moles of acetone (0.00183 mol). This gives you a value of 58.035g/mol (rounded to three decimal places). Therefore, the correct answer is 58.035g/mol.

6) %error from the theoretical molecular weight of acetone and the experimental value: To calculate the percent error, you need to compare the experimental molecular weight (58.035g/mol) with the theoretical molecular weight of acetone. The theoretical molecular weight of acetone is 58.08 g/mol. The formula for percent error is: %error = (|(theoretical value - experimental value)| / theoretical value) * 100. Plugging in the values, we get |(58.08 - 58.035)| / 58.08 * 100 ≈ 0.07897%. So the correct answer is approximately 0.07897%.

Please double-check your calculations and input the correct answers into the assessment.