What is 5/8 + 4/7 -1 ?

I can't understand this math problem....
Please help me....
Problem: In a boys' school, 5/8 of the boys play football and 4/7 play rugby. If every boy plays at least one of the two games, find the fraction of the boys who play both

I am sure that the answer is 2 11/56

1 whole

To solve this problem, we need to find the fraction of boys who play both football and rugby given that 5/8 of the boys play football and 4/7 of the boys play rugby.

First, let's find the fraction of boys who play football. We have 5/8 of the boys playing football.

Next, let's find the fraction of boys who play rugby. We have 4/7 of the boys playing rugby.

To find the fraction of boys who play both games, we can find the intersection between the football players and rugby players. This intersection represents the boys who play both football and rugby.

To find the intersection, we need to find the least common multiple (LCM) of the denominators of the fractions. In this case, the LCM of 8 and 7 is 56.

Now, let's convert the fractions to have a common denominator of 56:

(5/8) * (7/7) = 35/56
(4/7) * (8/8) = 32/56

From here, we can see that 35/56 of the boys play football and 32/56 of the boys play rugby.

To find the fraction of boys who play both games, we subtract the individual fractions from the intersection:

35/56 - 32/56 = 3/56

Therefore, the fraction of boys who play both football and rugby is 3/56.