what exactly would you observe and see at the end of the reaction of zinc and lead nitrate? include in formation about colour changes and bubbles.

you can use the following equation to help;
zinc+lead nitrate(arrow) zinc nitrate+lead

What I will write will not be inclusive. You should read about the activity series and note that Zn is above Pb in the series. Any metal HIGHER in the series will displace an ION LOWER in the series. Note that Zn is higher than Pb; therefore, Zn metal will displace Pb ion.

Zn + Pb(NO3)2 ==> Zn(NO3)2 + Pb.

This is a single replacement type reaction. The Pb will plate out on the Zn and eventually form small particles of Pb at the bottom of the beaker/reaction container. This should get you started.

To observe and see what happens at the end of the reaction between zinc and lead nitrate, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by understanding the equation given: zinc + lead nitrate → zinc nitrate + lead. This equation represents a chemical reaction where zinc (Zn) reacts with lead nitrate (Pb(NO3)2) to form zinc nitrate (Zn(NO3)2) and lead (Pb).

2. Set up the reaction by mixing zinc and lead nitrate in a container or test tube. Make sure to use appropriate safety precautions and perform the reaction in a well-ventilated area.

3. As the reaction proceeds, you would observe several changes:

a. Color changes: Initially, the solution should be clear and colorless. As the reaction takes place, you will notice a color change. In this reaction, the lead ions (Pb2+) from lead nitrate react with zinc to form solid lead. Lead has a grayish color, so you should observe the formation of a dark gray or black precipitate of lead.

b. Bubbles: If the reaction is carried out in an open vessel, you may also see the formation of bubbles. These bubbles indicate the release of a gas. In this reaction, the gas being produced is nitrogen dioxide (NO2). However, the amount of gas produced may be small and not very noticeable.

4. Once the reaction is complete, you would have a mixture containing zinc nitrate dissolved in the remaining liquid and a solid residue of lead at the bottom of the container or test tube.

Please note that the reaction rate and the intensity of color changes may vary depending on the concentration of reactants, temperature, and other factors. Additionally, it is essential to carry out experiments safely and in a controlled environment, following appropriate laboratory protocols.