A 0.21 kg block oscillates back and forth along a straight line on a frictionless horizontal surface. Its displacement from the origin is given by

x = (16 cm)cos[(16 rad/s)t + π/2 rad]

What force, applied to the block by the spring, results in the given oscillation?

why can you not just do F=ma?

An oscillating force is applied by the spring. You can use F = ma

The force required to make this motion happen is
F = ma = m * d^2x/dt^2
= -16^2 * (0.16m) m cos [(16 rad/s)t + π/2 rad]
= -256 m x Newtons

(If x is in meters)

To determine the force applied to the block by the spring, we cannot simply use the equation F = ma. This is because the force experienced by an oscillating mass-spring system is not constant but depends on the displacement from equilibrium.

Instead, we need to consider Hooke's law, which states that the force exerted by a spring is directly proportional to the displacement from its equilibrium position. The equation representing Hooke's law is:

F = -kx

- F is the force applied by the spring
- k is the spring constant, which represents the stiffness of the spring
- x is the displacement from the equilibrium position

In this case, the equation of displacement given is:

x = (16 cm)cos[(16 rad/s)t + π/2 rad]

To find the force, we need to calculate the derivative of the displacement equation with respect to time (t):

v = dx/dt

Differentiating the given equation:

v = -16 cm * sin[(16 rad/s)t + π/2 rad]

Finally, we can find the acceleration by taking the derivative of velocity:

a = dv/dt

Differentiating the velocity equation:

a = -16 rad/s * cos[(16 rad/s)t + π/2 rad]

Now that we have the acceleration, we can calculate the force using Hooke's law:

F = ma = -kx = -k * (-16 rad/s * cos[(16 rad/s)t + π/2 rad])

Therefore, to determine the force, you need to substitute the appropriate values into the equation above for each given time interval.