How would I go about solving this problem? Use front-end estimation with adjustment to estimate: 1,243+5,488

1200 + 5500 = 6700

6700 + 43 -12 =?

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking


To solve the problem using front-end estimation with adjustment, follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the front-end digits.
In this case, the front-end digits of 1,243 are 1, and the front-end digits of 5,488 are 5.

Step 2: Estimate the sum of the front-end digits.
To estimate the sum of the front-end digits, simply add them together. In this case, 1+5 equals 6.

Step 3: Adjust the estimated sum.
Since both numbers have the same front-end digit, the estimated sum from Step 2 provides a good approximation. However, an adjustment might be necessary if the digits following the front-end digits differ significantly.

Step 4: Add the adjustment to the estimated sum.
In this case, there is no need for adjustment since the remaining digits are relatively small.

Step 5: Calculate the final estimate.
Add the estimated sum from Step 2 to the adjustment (if any) from Step 4. The final estimate is 6.

Therefore, using front-end estimation with adjustment, the estimated sum of 1,243 and 5,488 is approximately 6.