A simple harmonic oscillator consists of a block of mass 4.40 kg attached to a spring of spring constant 110 N/m. When t = 1.00 s, the position and velocity of the block are x = 0.126 m and v = 4.120 m/s. (a) What is the amplitude of the oscillations? What were the (b) position and (c) velocity of the block at t = 0 s?

i got a to be:

(a) .833578

but i don't know how to find the rest

To find the position and velocity of the block at t = 0 s, we can use the equations of motion for a simple harmonic oscillator.

The position of the block at any time t can be given by the equation:

x(t) = A * cos(ωt + φ)

where A is the amplitude, ω is the angular frequency, t is the time, and φ is the phase constant.

To find the amplitude, we can use the given position and velocity at t = 1.00 s:

x = 0.126 m
v = 4.120 m/s

At t = 1.00 s, the block is at the maximum displacement from the equilibrium position, so we have:

x(t = 1.00 s) = A

Using this, we can determine the amplitude:

A = 0.126 m

Now let's find the frequency ω:

The angular frequency ω is related to the mass m of the block and the spring constant k by the equation:

ω = √(k / m)

Substituting the given values:

m = 4.40 kg
k = 110 N/m

ω = √(110 N/m / 4.40 kg)
ω = √(25 N/kg)
ω = 5 rad/s

Now we can find the phase constant φ by using the given position and velocity at t = 1.00 s:

x(t = 1.00 s) = A * cos(ω + φ)
0.126 m = (0.833578) * cos(5 rad/s + φ)

Solving for φ:

cos(5 rad/s + φ) = 0.151459
5 rad/s + φ = arccos(0.151459)
5 rad/s + φ = 1.415 rad
φ = 1.415 rad - 5 rad/s
φ = -3.585 rad

Now we can use the position and velocity equations to find the values at t = 0 s:

(a) At t = 0 s, the block is at the maximum displacement, so x = A:

x(t = 0 s) = A * cos(ω(0 s) + φ)
x(t = 0 s) = A * cos(-3.585 rad)
x(t = 0 s) = A * 0.12864
A * 0.12864 = 0.126 m
A = 0.126 m / 0.12864
A ≈ 0.979 m

(b) At t = 0 s, the block is momentarily at rest, so v = 0:

v(t = 0 s) = -A * ω * sin(ω(0 s) + φ)
0 = -0.979 m * (5 rad/s) * sin(-3.585 rad)

Solving for sin(-3.585 rad):

sin(-3.585 rad) = -0.3534

0 = -0.979 m * (5 rad/s) * (-0.3534)
0 m/s = 0.979 m/s

(c) The velocity at t = 0 s is 0 m/s.