Describe the goals of financial management. The description should include how earnings are valued, how shareholder wealth can be maximized, and how management decisions affect stockholder wealth.

The goals of financial management revolve around optimizing the financial health and growth of a company. These goals are typically achieved through effective capital allocation, risk management, and decision-making processes.

Valuing Earnings: Valuing earnings is a crucial aspect of financial management. Earnings represent the profitability of a company and serve as the foundation for various financial calculations. Financial managers use tools such as financial statements, ratios, and cash flow analysis to assess the value of earnings and track the company's financial performance.

Maximizing Shareholder Wealth: Shareholder wealth refers to the total value or wealth of the company as perceived by its shareholders. Financial management works towards maximizing shareholder wealth by focusing on increasing the value of the company's stock. This can be achieved through strategies that enhance profitability, increase stock prices, and generate shareholder returns, such as dividends or stock repurchases.

Management Decisions and Stockholder Wealth: Management decisions have a direct impact on stockholder wealth. For instance, strategic decisions regarding investments, financing, and dividend policies can affect the company's profitability, capital structure, and ultimately its stock price. Financial managers must carefully assess the potential consequences of various management decisions to ensure they align with the objective of maximizing stockholder wealth.

To achieve these goals, financial managers perform various tasks, such as analyzing financial data, allocating resources, managing cash flows, evaluating investment opportunities, mitigating risks, and communicating financial information to stakeholders. They also utilize financial models, perform financial forecasting, and conduct cost-benefit analyses to support decision-making processes. Additionally, financial managers must stay updated with market trends, economic conditions, and regulatory requirements to make informed and optimal choices.