When heat energy travelsby convection enrgy is transferred by the circulation of heated material is this tru?

Yes. Convection heat transfer takes place as the result of circulation of a fluid between hot and cold regions.

To better understand how heat energy travels by convection, it is important to understand the process involved. Convection heat transfer occurs when heat energy is transferred through the circulation of a fluid, such as a gas or a liquid.

Here's how it works:

1. Heating of the fluid: To initiate convection, a source of heat is required. For example, if you heat a fluid, such as water, its temperature will increase.

2. Expansion of the fluid: As the fluid is heated, its molecules gain energy and move faster, causing them to expand. This expansion leads to a decrease in density, making the heated fluid less dense compared to its surroundings.

3. Rising of the heated fluid: Due to its decreased density, the heated fluid will rise, creating a circulation pattern. This circulation is commonly referred to as a convection current.

4. Transfer of heat: As the heated fluid rises, it carries heat energy along with it. This energy is then transferred to the surrounding areas, which are originally at lower temperatures.

5. Cooling and sinking of the fluid: As the heated fluid transfers its heat energy to its surroundings, it gradually cools down. When the fluid cools down, its density increases, causing it to become denser than the surrounding fluid. As a result, it will sink back towards the heat source to be reheated and initiate the cycle again.

Overall, heat energy is transferred in convection by the circulation of heated material. This process is commonly observed in natural phenomena, such as the movement of air masses in the atmosphere or the circulation of water in oceans and lakes.