A map drawn to scale of 1:50 000 with the actual distance between two points is 4.5km.Calculate the number of centimetres that should be used to represent this distance on the map.

let's stick with ratios

4.5 km = 450000 cm
let x be the number of cm on the map
1/50000 = x/450000
x = 9 cm

The answer to this question is simple. Use ratios. It's more easier.

4.5 km = 450000 cm
let x be the number of cm on the map
1/50000 = x/450000
x = 9 cm

How do u work 1:50 000 the one on top

To find the number of centimeters that should be used to represent a distance of 4.5 kilometers on a map drawn to a scale of 1:50,000, we can use the formula:

No. of centimeters = (Actual distance in kilometers) * (Scale denominator / Scale numerator) * (Conversion factor)

In this case:
- Actual distance = 4.5 km
- Scale denominator = 50,000
- Scale numerator = 1
- Conversion factor: We need to convert kilometers to centimeters. There are 100,000 centimeters in 1 kilometer.

Now, let's plug these values into the formula:

No. of centimeters = (4.5 km) * (50,000 / 1) * (100,000 cm / 1 km)

No. of centimeters = 4.5 * 50,000 * 100,000 cm

Using a calculator, the result is:
No. of centimeters = 225,000,000 cm

Therefore, you would need to use 225,000,000 centimeters to represent a distance of 4.5 kilometers on the map.

