I cant find it in my text book, can someone tell me how you document a website for the bibliography.

also in parenthetical foot note things in the paper do you just use the author of the website?

oh also, if the site doesnt tell the author???

(Broken Link Removed)

Hold your cursor over CITING SOURCES and then click on Electronic/Internet... You'll find a good explanation of what to include and lots of examples.

Yes, just the author's name; if no author, then the first word or two from the title, just enough to connect it to the full entry in your works cited (AKA bibliography).


To document a website for the bibliography, you generally follow a specific format, such as APA or MLA style. The exact format may vary depending on the citation style you are using. Here is a general guideline:

1. Start with the author's last name, followed by his/her first name or initials. If no author is listed, begin with the title of the website.
2. If the webpage has a publication date, include it in parentheses after the author's name. Use the format (year, month day) or (year). If there is no publication date, you can skip this step.
3. Include the title of the webpage or article in italics or quotation marks, followed by a period.
4. Provide the name of the website in italics, followed by a comma.
5. Include the URL (web address) of the webpage.
6. Finish the citation with the date you accessed the webpage, in the format (Accessed: month day, year).

Here's an example in APA style:

Author's Last Name, Author's First Name. (Year, Month Day). Title of the webpage. Title of the Website. Retrieved from URL (Accessed: Month Day, Year).

For the parenthetical footnote in the paper, use the same format as the MLA or APA citation, depending on the style you are following. If the website does not provide the author's name, use the first word or two from the title to connect it to the full entry in your bibliography.

If you are unsure or need more specific guidance, I recommend referring to a reputable style guide like APA or MLA and looking up the specific rules and examples for citing websites. Additionally, many universities and libraries have online resources that explain how to cite sources properly, so you may find those useful as well.

Regarding the broken link you provided, I apologize, but as an AI text-based bot, I cannot access or browse external websites. Nonetheless, you can try searching online for reliable sources on how to cite websites properly according to the citation style you are using.