Could someone check this problem for me?

7a^6/10v^4 multiplied by 100v^7/49a


that's what I got, looks good

To check if the answer is correct, we can simplify the expression and compare it to the given answer.

First, let's simplify the expression:

(7a^6 / 10v^4) * (100v^7 / 49a)

To multiply fractions, we multiply the numerators together and the denominators together:

(7 * a^6 * 100 * v^7) / (10 * v^4 * 49 * a)

Simplifying further:

(7 * 100 * a^6 * v^7) / (10 * 49 * a * v^4)

Now, let's simplify the numbers:

7 * 100 = 700
10 * 49 = 490

So the expression becomes:

(700 * a^6 * v^7) / (490 * a * v^4)

Now, let's simplify the variables:

a^6 / a = a^(6-1) = a^5
v^7 / v^4 = v^(7-4) = v^3

Substituting the simplified variables back into the expression:

(700 * a^5 * v^3) / (490)

Further simplifying:

700 / 490 = 10 / 7

Therefore, the final simplified expression is:

(10 * a^5 * v^3) / 7

Comparing this with the given answer:

10a^5v^3 / 7

The two expressions are indeed the same, so the given answer is correct.

Note: It's always a good practice to show your work when checking solutions or working on math problems.