we have to write a dramatically story about a man and a woman who met in their holidays. can somebody help??

Why don't you outline a story, then start writing?

We will be able to critique your ideas. Note that the story could have an element or two of suprise....what if the woman turned out to be a long lost stepsister, or the man and woman both turned out to be folks hiding their past, or both had secrets they were trying to hide?

Outline the story plot first.

do it yourself

Certainly! Here's an outline for a dramatic story about a man and a woman who meet during their holidays:

1. Introduction:
- Introduce the main characters, the man and the woman.
- Set the scene of their individual lives before they meet.

2. Coincidental Meeting:
- Describe how the man and the woman accidentally cross paths during their separate holidays.
- Highlight the initial attraction or intrigue they feel towards each other.

3. Developing Connection:
- Show different interactions between the man and the woman, gradually revealing their personalities and backgrounds.
- Explore their shared interests, commonalities, and growing emotional bond.

4. Unveiling Secrets:
- Introduce a twist by uncovering a major secret about one of the characters that could potentially jeopardize their relationship.
- Show the struggle of the other character in deciding whether or not to forgive and accept this revelation.

5. Conflict:
- Highlight the conflict arising from the secret and the emotional turmoil experienced by both characters.
- Allow them to question their connection, leading to the possibility of separation.

6. Redemption:
- Provide an opportunity for self-reflection and personal growth for the character with the secret.
- Create a moment where they choose to make amends or seek forgiveness from the other character.

7. Reunion:
- Bring both characters back together in a climactic reunion scene.
- Showcase their newfound trust and rekindled love for each other.

8. Resolution:
- Conclude the story by highlighting the lessons learned and the potential for their future together.
- Provide closure regarding the initial conflict and secrets, allowing the couple to move forward.

Now that you have the outline, you can start writing your story by expanding on each point and incorporating your own creative ideas and twists.