What do you lack in?

What do you lack?

I lack in common sense.
I lack humor.
I lack in patience.
I lack in teamwork.
I lack in _________

(Are the questions and answers all correct? Would you let me know more expressions suitable for the blank? Thank you.)

It's better to omit the adverb, "in."

I lack money.
I lack mechanical ability.
I lack artistic ability.
I lack technological skills.

The questions and answers you provided are all correct examples of things that someone might say they lack in. Here are a few more expressions that would be suitable for the blank:

- I lack in self-confidence.
- I lack in organizational skills.
- I lack in decision-making abilities.
- I lack in assertiveness.
- I lack in adaptability.
- I lack in creativity.
- I lack in social skills.
- I lack in time management.
- I lack in knowledge in a specific field or subject.

Remember, these examples are just a few possibilities, and there could be many more things that someone could express a lack of.