I can re-word these two separate things. I found them on the internet but need to change the words. Any help would greatly be appreciated.

"I believe that I deserve this scholarship because I put so much effort into every task that I am given. I give only my best, and see each task through to the end."

When I set goals for myself, I do everything in my power to achieve them and if I happen to fall short of my goal then I pride myself in knowing that I did my best."

Stop right here!

If you need to find sentences on the internet to answer personal questions in order to get a scholarship -- you don't deserve the scholarship.

Asking for help in rewording two simple passages before you even get to college suggests that you're not ready for college, much less a scholarship.

In addition, the two sentences do not seem to describe you.

I'm not writing a scholarship or anything like that. We had to find two things like that on the internet and reword them because were doing commercials that have to do with the characteristics of college for a project. I'm only in 9th grade.

Ok. Thanks for the explanation.

For the first one --

I feel I deserve this scholarship because I work hard and successfully complete every task I attempt.

How would you reword the second passage?

Sorry about not explaining it the first time.

I put everything that I have towards conquering my goals that I set for myself and if I'm not able to reach a certain goal I know inside my heart that I haven't let myself down and that I will continue to strive to great lengths next time.

If you want to re-word these two statements, here are some suggestions:

1. "I strongly believe that I am a deserving candidate for this scholarship due to my unwavering commitment and dedication to every assigned task. I consistently deliver nothing less than my utmost effort and diligently follow through until completion."

2. "When it comes to setting personal goals, I exert utmost determination and employ every possible measure to attain them. Even if I fail to reach my objectives, I take pride in the assurance that I have given my absolute best in the process."

To reword these statements, start by understanding the main ideas and then express them using your own words and style while maintaining the intended meaning. It is important to avoid directly copying and pasting the original sentences to ensure authenticity and avoid plagiarism.