"Making Enemies" by S. Pyne. According to Pyne, how have post 911 government responses affected prejudice and discrimination against Muslims, Arabs, and related groups?

2. List two to three characteristis of Orientalism. How may Orientalism and prejudice contribute to hate crimes against these groups?
3. What else can individuals do to promote tolerance and reduce prejudice in their towns and cities?

These sources will help you answer your questions. We'll be glad to critique your answers if you post them here.




Possibly some basic information on prejudice might be helpful.


I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

"Making Enemies" by S. Pyne. According to Pyne, how have post 911 government responses affected prejudice and discrimination against Muslims, Arabs, and related groups?
2. List two to three characteristis of Orientalism. How may Orientalism and prejudice contribute to hate crimes against these groups?
3. What else can individuals do to promote tolerance and reduce prejudice in their towns and cities?

There are those who profess to be bible thumping right wing Christians who are the most intolerant and prejudicial people anywhere. usually, knowledge, education, and understanding can promote acceptance and tolerance. People need to develope a live and let live attitude. Sadly, we probably won't see the end of prejudice or racism in our life time. There will always be those who are just ignorant and bigoted. They refuse to look at anything other than what is in their own mind.

Good luck.. if that is your mission, I wish you well

. Final Project: Comprehensive Argument Analysis

To answer your questions, let's start with the first one about the impact of post 9/11 government responses on prejudice and discrimination against Muslims, Arabs, and related groups, as discussed by S. Pyne in "Making Enemies".

1. According to Pyne's article on Village Voice, post 9/11 government responses have intensified prejudice and discrimination against Muslims, Arabs, and related groups. The fear and suspicion generated by the attacks led to the labeling of these groups as potential threats or enemies. The increased surveillance, racial profiling, and targeting of individuals based on their ethnicity or religion have fostered an environment of prejudice and discrimination.

Now, let's move on to the characteristics of Orientalism and its contribution to hate crimes against these groups.

2. Orientalism, as described in the Wikipedia and Emory University articles, is a concept that refers to the way Western societies have historically portrayed and studied the East, particularly Middle Eastern countries and cultures. Two to three characteristics of Orientalism are:

- Exoticization: Orientalism often involves exoticizing Eastern cultures by portraying them as mysterious, strange, or alluring. This portrayal can reinforce stereotypes and perpetuate a sense of "otherness" or "foreignness" about these groups.

- Assumptions of inferiority or backwardness: Orientalism frequently assumes that Eastern cultures are inferior or less developed compared to Western cultures. This can lead to prejudices and perceptions of these groups as less civilized or inherently problematic.

- Homogenization and generalization: Orientalism tends to oversimplify and generalize complex and diverse cultures into a single, monolithic "Oriental" identity. This generalization ignores the rich diversity within these communities and can lead to stereotypes and discrimination.

Orientalism and prejudice can contribute to hate crimes against Muslims, Arabs, and related groups in multiple ways. Stereotypes and biases perpetuated by Orientalism can create an atmosphere of suspicion and fear. This, combined with the dehumanization and exoticization of these groups, can lead some individuals to view them as threats or objects of hostility. Prejudice and Orientalism can thus contribute to hate crimes by fostering a climate of ignorance, intolerance, and hostility.

Lastly, let's discuss what individuals can do to promote tolerance and reduce prejudice in their towns and cities.

3. The Cox.net articles provide information on the causes of prejudice and steps to reduce it, which can be useful in promoting tolerance and reducing prejudice. Here are a few additional suggestions:

- Educate yourself: Seek out diverse sources of information and engage in learning about different cultures, religions, and perspectives. This knowledge can help challenge stereotypes and promote understanding.

- Foster intercultural dialogue: Connect with individuals from diverse backgrounds, engage in respectful conversations, and actively listen to their experiences and perspectives. This dialogue can help break down stereotypes and foster empathy.

- Challenge prejudice and discrimination: Speak up against prejudice and discrimination when you witness it. This can be done through conversations, social media, or participating in peaceful protests advocating for equality and justice.

- Support community initiatives: Get involved in local organizations or initiatives that promote tolerance, diversity, and inclusiveness. This can include volunteering, attending cultural events, or supporting businesses owned by individuals from marginalized groups.

By taking these actions, individuals can contribute to fostering a more tolerant and inclusive society, ultimately helping to reduce prejudice in their towns and cities.

I hope this information helps you. If you have any further questions or need more clarification, feel free to ask.