1. He found the article at the lost and found office.

2. He found the article at the Lost and Found Office.

(Which expression is correct?)

3. 2+5 =7
Two plus five is seven.

4. 3X6=18
Three multiplied by six eqals eighteen.

5. 10-8=2
Ten subtracted from eight leaves two.

6. 36 ¡À 4= 9
Thirty-six divided by 4 makes nine.

(Are the expressions all correct?)

1 is probably more common than 2, unless there is a specific office with a sign over it that says Lost and Found Office. So both are correct, depending on whether there's a specific sign.

3 - 6 are all good; check the spelling of "equals" though.

1. Both expressions in question 1 are correct, but the second expression "He found the article at the Lost and Found Office" is more commonly used. When referring to a specific office, it is generally capitalized as "Lost and Found Office" or "Lost and Found Department."

2. In question 3, the expression "2+5 = 7" is the correct mathematical equation. It represents the sum of the numbers 2 and 5, which equals 7. You can arrive at this answer by adding the numbers together.

3. In question 4, the expression "3x6 = 18" is the correct mathematical equation. It represents the multiplication of the numbers 3 and 6, which equals 18. You can arrive at this answer by multiplying the numbers together.

4. In question 5, the expression "10-8=2" is the correct mathematical equation. It represents the subtraction of the number 8 from 10, which leaves the result as 2. You can arrive at this answer by subtracting the numbers.

5. In question 6, the expression "36 ÷ 4 = 9" is the correct mathematical equation. It represents the division of the number 36 by 4, which equals 9. You can arrive at this answer by dividing the numbers.

All the mathematical expressions mentioned are correct and represent the appropriate operations.