Directions:Subtract and simplify.

Problem: m+9/(m+3)-(-4m-6)/(m+3)
a.5 b.-3 c.-3(m-1)/(m+3) d.m-1/m+3
What I Think: I think it is letter d.

= (5m+15)/(m+3)
=5(m+3)/(m+3) = ?

Your answer is not correct

To subtract and simplify the given expression, we need to combine the fractions with a common denominator of (m+3).

Step 1: Rewrite the expression with the common denominator:

[(m+9)/(m+3)] - [(-4m-6)/(m+3)]

Step 2: Simplify each numerator:

[(m+9) - (-4m-6)] / (m+3)

Simplifying the first numerator, we get:

m + 9 + 4m + 6

Combining like terms, we have:

5m + 15

Step 3: Write the final expression:

(5m + 15) / (m + 3)

Therefore, the simplified expression is (5m + 15) / (m + 3), which corresponds to option A.