
x^2+4 = (x + 2 i) (x - 2 i)

Wouldn't you need a value for x?
Or do u just have to make an expression?
An expression for this example would be xx+4

O never mind my answer was incorrect. Sorry about that.

No problem! It seems there was a misunderstanding about the question. In your initial expression, x^2 + 4, you were looking to find the factorization.

To factorize the expression x^2 + 4, we can use the difference of squares pattern.

The difference of squares pattern states that a^2 - b^2 can be factored as (a + b)(a - b).

In this case, we can view x^2 + 4 as (x^2 - 2^2), where a = x and b = 2.

So the factorization of x^2 + 4 would be (x + 2)(x - 2).

It's important to note that the expression x^2 + 4 cannot be further simplified, as it is in its simplest form.