Try the exercises explained in these sites.

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I need different links for different toning exercises.
1. arms
2. abs
3. facial exercises
4. legs
5. butt / thighs
6. chest

I've tried looking on the internet and all I could find were links to buy books. i'm hoping there's something that just gives the actual exericse.

On the following sites you can find descriptions of exercises

I apologize, but I am currently unable to browse the internet or access specific websites. However, I can provide you with guidance on how to find the desired exercises.

To find exercises for toning different body parts, you can try the following steps:

1. Use a search engine: Start by searching for specific phrases related to the body part you want to tone, such as "arm toning exercises" or "ab toning exercises."

2. Utilize reputable fitness websites: Look for well-known fitness websites that offer exercise instructions, demonstrations, and tips. Websites like, Fitness Blender, and Women's Health provide extensive exercise databases with targeting specific muscle groups.

3. Explore video platforms: Platforms like YouTube have a wide range of exercise videos that demonstrate proper form and technique for different toning exercises. Search for phrases like "leg toning exercises" or "butt and thigh workouts" and sort the results by relevance or popularity.

4. Mobile applications: Consider downloading fitness apps that offer workout routines and exercise descriptions. Apps like Nike Training Club, JEFIT Workout Planner, and Fitbod provide detailed instructions for various toning exercises.

Remember to prioritize websites with information from certified fitness professionals or reputable sources. It's always a good idea to consult a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise routine, especially if you have specific health concerns or conditions.