how to do negative decimal exponets


Remember that a negative power is the same as the reciprocal...

2-b = 1/2b

So you can compute the positive power, then take the reciprocal of the result.

Yes but that works with decimal

of course, use your calculator. square root is a power 1/2 or .5 Decimal powers are commonplace.

To calculate negative decimal exponents, you can follow these steps:

1. Use the rule that states a negative power is the same as taking the reciprocal of the positive power:

2^(-0.4545) = 1 / 2^(0.4545)

2. Calculate the positive power. In this case:

2^(0.4545) = 1.19183868074

(Use a calculator to compute the power. Some calculators have a built-in exponent feature, while others require you to use the "^" symbol.)

3. Finally, take the reciprocal of the positive power to get the answer:

1 / 1.19183868074 = 0.83904216901

Therefore, 2^(-0.4545) is approximately equal to 0.839.