Given mÐ 1 + mÐ2=90, what can we conclude?

Well, if the angles are in a triangle, the other angle is 90 degrees, which makes the triangle a right triangle.

To conclude anything about the given equation, mÐ1 + mÐ2 = 90, we need some context or additional information. Without any context, we cannot make any specific conclusions.

However, if you are assuming that mÐ1 and mÐ2 represent angles in a triangle, we can make the following conclusion:

In a triangle, the sum of all interior angles is always 180 degrees. So, if mÐ1 + mÐ2 = 90 degrees, it means that the sum of the remaining angle(s) in the triangle must be 90 degrees as well.

Therefore, if the given angles, mÐ1 and mÐ2, are angles in a triangle, we can conclude that the remaining angle in the triangle must be 90 degrees. This makes the triangle a right triangle.

However, it is important to note that this conclusion is based on the assumption that the given angles are angles in a triangle. Without this assumption or additional information, we cannot make any other conclusions.