I am usnure about my restated Thesis for my conclusion paragraph. But here is my first thesis

1. King Duncan, King Hamlet, Malcolm and Fortinbras are all minor characters who play an essential role in each tragedy; the kings are both murdered and the young men are both fighting for their father’s lands in the end.

Here is the restated thesis

2.King Duncan, King Hamlet, Malcolm and Fortinbras may be minor characters, but they are valuable in their roles in helping to move the plot along.

The first one is more "telling" about what to expect in the rest of your paper, and that's what a thesis statement should do.

One change I'd make -- "who play essential roles" -- plural not singular, since you are writing about four characters.


Thanks for the help again, I think I get it now!

It looks like you've made some adjustments to your thesis statement. Your new thesis statement, 2. "King Duncan, King Hamlet, Malcolm and Fortinbras may be minor characters, but they are valuable in their roles in helping to move the plot along," is a restatement of your original thesis, but with a slightly different focus.

In your original thesis, you mentioned that these characters play essential roles in each tragedy, specifically noting that the kings are murdered and the young men fight for their father's lands in the end. However, in your restated thesis, you mention that these characters are valuable in helping to move the plot along, without specifying how.

To strengthen your restated thesis, you may want to consider including specific examples or reasons why these characters are valuable in moving the plot along. This will help provide clarity and make your thesis statement more impactful.

For example, you could say something like:

"King Duncan, King Hamlet, Malcolm, and Fortinbras may be minor characters, but they are valuable in their roles in helping to move the plot along. King Duncan's murder sets off a chain of events that lead to Macbeth's downfall, King Hamlet's ghost provides important information that drives the plot of Hamlet forward, Malcolm's journey to reclaim his father's throne adds tension and political intrigue, while Fortinbras' efforts to regain his father's lands mirror the themes of revenge and power in the play."

By including specific examples of how these characters contribute to the plot, your thesis statement becomes more focused and gives readers a clear idea of what to expect in your paper.