i have similar homework to leigh about miracles.

i need to give 3 reasons why miracles occur,this is what ive thought of:-
.believing in God

im still struggling to think of 3 reasons why miracles do not occur.

Only God knows why miracles do or do not occur.

thanks but that does not really help very much.

When it comes to discussing why miracles do not occur, there can be different perspectives and philosophical stances. Here are three reasons that can be considered:

1. Naturalistic explanations: One argument against the occurrence of miracles is rooted in the belief that the universe operates according to natural laws and processes. This perspective suggests that events deemed as miracles may simply have natural explanations that are not fully understood or explored yet. Miracles, therefore, may be seen as a result of coincidences, misinterpretations, or lack of knowledge about the underlying natural causes.

2. Lack of evidence: Another reason cited for the non-occurrence of miracles is the absence of robust empirical evidence. Scientific inquiry typically requires observable, measurable, and replicable evidence to support claims, and miracles often lack such evidence. Without concrete proof, skeptics argue that attributing an event to supernatural intervention is unwarranted and unverifiable.

3. Problem of evil and inconsistency: In theological debates, some scholars argue that the existence of evil and suffering in the world raises doubts about the consistent occurrence of miracles. If miracles were real and took place, why would a benevolent and omnipotent deity selectively intervene to perform miracles while allowing widespread suffering and tragedy? This argument posits that the existence of evil and the inconsistency of miracles undermine the rationality and coherence of the concept itself.

It's worth noting that these reasons are not exhaustive, and different scholars, philosophers, and religious traditions may offer additional perspectives on why miracles may not occur. When engaging in discussions about miracles, it can be helpful to consider multiple viewpoints.

Sorry -- but within my understanding of religion, I gave you the only possible answer.

Perhaps your religious ed teacher can help you.