A person begins work at 9:00am on the east cost and ends their shift at 1:00 am on the pacific coast. How many hours did they work?

The Pacific Coast time is 3 hours later than the Eastern Zone. So at 1:00 am in the Pacific zone, it's 10 p.m. on the east coast.

That looks like an 11-hour shift.

American east coast or Canadian east coast

there is a difference

Oops! My math is way off!

9 a.m. to 10 p.m. is 13 hours -- not 11 hours.

And Reiny is right -- to which east coast do you refer?

To determine the number of hours worked, we need to find the time difference between the starting and ending times.

Step 1: Convert the starting time to the same time zone as the ending time.
The person begins work at 9:00 am on the east coast, which is in the Eastern Time Zone (ET). The Pacific Time Zone (PT) is 3 hours behind the Eastern Time Zone. Therefore, we need to subtract 3 hours from the starting time:
9:00 am ET - 3 hours = 6:00 am PT

Step 2: Calculate the time difference between the starting and ending times.
The person ends their shift at 1:00 am on the Pacific coast, which is already in the Pacific Time Zone. Therefore, we can directly calculate the time difference:
1:00 am PT - 6:00 am PT = 7 hours

Therefore, the person worked for 7 hours.