
I don't understand on how to answer this and simplify it.
Can someone please write out the steps on how to solve it.

To simplify the expression (dt4)(3d-6), you can use the distributive property. This property states that when you multiply a number or term outside of parentheses by a group of terms within parentheses, you need to distribute the number or term to each term within the parentheses.

Let's break down the steps to simplify this expression:

Step 1: Recognize the distribution
The expression has the form (a)(b-c), where a = dt4, b = 3d, and c = 6. We need to distribute a to both terms inside the parentheses.

Step 2: Distribute the term "dt4" to both terms inside the parentheses
Multiply "dt4" by each term inside the parentheses:

(dt4)(3d) = dt4 * 3d = 3dt4d

(dt4)(-6) = dt4 * -6 = -6dt4

Step 3: Combine like terms (if any)
If there are any like terms, combine them. In this case, there are no like terms.

Step 4: Rewrite the simplified expression
The simplified expression is the result of the distribution and combination of like terms, if any. Therefore, the simplified expression is:

3dt4d - 6dt4