After forty years of intensive research, on school learning in the United States as well as abroad, my major conclusion is: What any person in the world can learn, almost all persons can learn, if they are provided with the appropriate prior and current conditions of learning”

what does this mean?

That means that if a child grows up under conditions which encourage learning, then any child, any where in the world can learn.

This statement suggests that regardless of factors such as geographical location or individual differences, almost anyone is capable of learning if they are given the necessary support and conditions for learning. The author, after conducting extensive research on school learning both in the United States and internationally, concludes that with the right environment and resources, the majority of individuals can acquire knowledge.

To support this conclusion, the author likely analyzed various studies and data from different educational systems and observed that when appropriate conditions and prerequisites for learning were met, individuals were able to achieve similar levels of learning. These conditions might include access to quality education, effective teaching methods, suitable learning materials, supportive learning environments, and personalized instruction.

It is important to note that this conclusion does not imply that every person will learn the exact same things or at the same pace, as individual learning styles and abilities can still vary. However, it suggests that given the right circumstances, most people can acquire knowledge and skills.