
So would it be 3m-9n=

your question makes no sense to me.

17m + 3n - 14m - 6n =

Is the question

To solve the equation -14m - 6n = 3m - 9n, we need to isolate one variable (either m or n). Let's solve for m.

-14m - 6n = 3m - 9n

First, let's gather the m terms on one side of the equation by adding 14m to both sides:

-14m + 14m - 6n = 3m + 14m - 9n

Simplifying the left side, we have:

-6n = 17m - 9n

Now, let's gather the n terms on one side of the equation by adding 9n to both sides:

-6n + 9n = 17m - 9n + 9n

Simplifying the left side, we have:

3n = 17m

Finally, divide both sides of the equation by 17 to isolate m:

(3n)/17 = (17m)/17

Simplifying the right side, we have:

(3n)/17 = m

So the solution to the equation is m = (3n)/17.