What parts of the northwest territory were settled first, and which parts were settled later? Why do you think settlement followed this pattern?

To determine which parts of the Northwest Territory were settled first and which were settled later, we first need to understand the historical context. The Northwest Territory refers to the area encompassing the present-day states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and part of Minnesota. This territory was initially controlled by Native American tribes.

The settlement pattern in the Northwest Territory followed a general east-to-west expansion. The eastern areas, such as present-day Ohio, were settled first, whereas the western regions, including Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin, were settled later. There are several factors that explain this settlement pattern:

1. Access to waterways: The eastern portion of the Northwest Territory, particularly along the Ohio River, provided settlers with easier transportation and access to markets. Rivers served as vital trade routes, facilitating the movement of people, goods, and ideas. Settlements near rivers were established earlier due to their economic advantages.

2. Land availability: When early settlers began moving westward, the federal government implemented the Northwest Ordinance of 1787. This ordinance allowed for the orderly division and sale of land in the Northwest Territory. As a result, land in the eastern parts, which was closer to the established settlements and infrastructure, was bought and settled earlier.

3. Native American resistance: Native American tribes initially resisted white settlement in the Northwest Territory. This resistance was stronger in the western regions, where tribes held more power and were entrenched. It took time for the U.S. government to negotiate treaties and quell conflicts, creating a safer environment for settlers.

4. Infrastructure development: As settlers moved farther west, they encountered untamed wilderness and lacked infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, and government institutions. The development of infrastructure followed the pattern of settlement, with eastern areas being more advanced and western regions lagging behind.

Overall, the settlement pattern in the Northwest Territory was influenced by factors such as accessible waterways, land availability, Native American resistance, and infrastructure development. These elements shaped the progression of settlement from east to west.