How do I re-write this sentence using the fused sentence format? See below

The creature sat upright and tugged at the shackles binding his ankles, Frankenstein uttered a piercing scream.

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To rewrite the sentence using the fused sentence format, it's crucial to understand what a fused sentence is. A fused sentence occurs when two independent clauses are joined together without any punctuation or conjunctions to separate them properly.

In the given sentence, "The creature sat upright and tugged at the shackles binding his ankles, Frankenstein uttered a piercing scream," we have two independent clauses connected by a comma without any appropriate punctuation or conjunctions.

To rewrite it using the fused sentence format, we need to separate the clauses into two distinct sentences or use appropriate punctuation or conjunctions to connect them correctly.

Here's the revised sentence using the fused sentence format:

The creature sat upright and tugged at the shackles binding his ankles. Frankenstein uttered a piercing scream.

By separating the two clauses into distinct sentences, we eliminate the fused sentence structure and make the sentence grammatically correct.