Find arcsin [cos (Pi/2)]

The answer is 0.

How do you solve this problem? Thanks.

You have to use the definition of cos and sin. If you use the geometric definition using a right triangle, then you see that

cos(x) = sin(pi/2-x)

If you take the cosine of one angle (alpha), you get the same as when you take the sin of the other angle (beta). Now, alpha is 90° - beta, so the result follows.

So, arcsin[cos(pi/2)] =
arcsin[sin(0)] = 0

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To solve the problem, follow these steps:

1. Start by finding the cosine of π/2: cos(π/2) = 0. This is because the cosine of π/2 is equal to 0 according to the unit circle.

2. Next, find the arcsine of 0. The arcsine function is the inverse of the sine function. Since sin(0) = 0, the arcsine of 0 is also 0.

Therefore, the answer to arcsin[cos(π/2)] is 0.

To solve this problem, you need to have an understanding of trigonometric functions and their inverses.

The given expression is arcsin [cos (π/2)]. Let's break it down step by step:

1. Start with the inner part of the expression, which is cos(π/2).
- The value of cos(π/2) is 0.
- This is because the cosine function evaluates to 0 at π/2 (90 degrees), where the unit circle intersects the x-axis.

2. Now, you have arcsin [0].
- The arcsin function is the inverse of the sine function.
- The arcsin function returns the angle (in radians or degrees) whose sine is equal to the given value.
- The sine function evaluates to 0 at 0 radians (0 degrees) and also at π radians (180 degrees), and then repeats every 2π radians (360 degrees).

3. Since the arcsin function is an inverse of the sine function, the arcsin of 0 is 0.
- Therefore, the answer to the given expression arcsin [cos (π/2)] is 0.

In summary, the solution to arcsin [cos (π/2)] is 0.