Is there any prime number whose root is an integer?

I meant to say Square Root

Nevermind I figured it out.

Good work. If a prime number by definition has no factors, ...

If a prime number (greater than 1) has an integer square root, then it must be a perfect square.

To find out if there exists any prime number whose square root is an integer, you can start by assuming a prime number, let's say "p", and checking if it is a perfect square.

To check if "p" is a perfect square, you can take the square root of "p" and see if it is an integer. If it is, then "p" is a perfect square and not a prime number. If the square root is not an integer, then "p" is a prime number.

However, it is important to note that there are no prime numbers greater than 1 whose square root is an integer. This is because all prime numbers greater than 1 are not perfect squares and their square roots are irrational numbers.

So, in this case, there is no prime number whose square root is an integer.