Deliverable Length: 4-6 slides with notes

Think about your current or past employer (or another company you are familiar with). Using the company as a whole, or the department you are most familiar with, evaluate the extent that management utilizes the classic management activities - planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.

Compare the ideal use of these activities found in the text book with how you see them executed in your workplace. Prepare the required slides and notes comparing the ideal and the actual situations.

You are the person taking the business course. After you get your business degree, you can perhaps get others to do your work for you, but that isn't what we do here.

Someone here will be glad to critique your thoughts and work. Start by selecting a job that you or a member of family has had.

To evaluate the extent to which management utilizes the classic management activities (planning, organizing, leading, and controlling), you'll need to analyze your current or past employer or another company that you are familiar with. Here's how you can approach this task:

1. Select a job: Choose a job that you or a family member has had within the company. This will help you focus your evaluation on a specific department or area within the organization.

2. Research the classic management activities: Review the textbook or relevant resources to understand the ideal use of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling in a management context. Familiarize yourself with the key concepts and best practices associated with each activity.

3. Assess the company's utilization of management activities: Observe and assess how the company implements these management activities in practice. Here are some questions to guide your evaluation:

- Planning: How does the company set goals and objectives? Are there well-defined plans in place to achieve these goals? How often are plans reviewed and revised?

- Organizing: How is work distributed among employees? Are there clear job descriptions and reporting lines? How are resources allocated and coordinated to support the company's goals?

- Leading: How are employees motivated and empowered? How do managers communicate with and inspire their teams? Is there a leadership development program in place?

- Controlling: How does the company monitor performance and ensure accountability? Are there regular performance evaluations or feedback processes? How are deviations from plans addressed and corrected?

4. Document your findings: Create 4-6 slides to present your evaluation, comparing the ideal use of management activities from the textbook with the actual situations in your workplace. Use clear headings for each activity and include relevant examples or data to support your analysis.

5. Add notes to your slides: In the speaker notes section of each slide, provide additional context, explanations, and supporting details for the points you're making in the presentation. These notes will help you explain your findings more thoroughly during your presentation.

Remember, the purpose of this assignment is to critically analyze the company's management practices and compare them to the ideal concepts from the textbook. Your evaluation should be objective and supported by evidence or examples.