when arranging ideas for a research paper, what type of order are you using if you write a paper on the planets, starting with the pkanet closet to earth? a)chronological b)spartial c)impotance d)logical i picked a im i right. which is the introduction of a composition located? at the beginning i think. or middle or end or all of the above

Do you understand the meanings of these terms?

Chronological is in time-span order. Often the oldest is first, followed by the next oldest, and so on.

Spacial obviously has to do with space. The nearest is first -- and so on.

Importance usually puts the most important facts first -- like a news article.

Logical order puts the events or points in an order that makes sense.

Do you still think the first answer is a?

The introduction to a composition is the first.

This would have been much easier to read if you'd used correct capitalization, punctuation, and spacing.

ok thanks for the help its b


When arranging ideas for a research paper on the planets starting with the planet closest to Earth, you would be using a spartial order. This means that you are organizing the information based on the spatial relationship or physical proximity to Earth. So starting with the planet closest to Earth and working your way outwards.

For the second question, you are correct. The introduction of a composition is typically located at the beginning. The purpose of the introduction is to provide background information, establish the context, and present the thesis statement that introduces the main points or arguments of the paper. So, the introduction is placed at the beginning of the composition to set the tone and outline the main ideas.