5L= ?cL

102mL= ?L
1895g= ?kg
2.3kg= ?g
What is the square root of 36/49?

Please check this table to find the equivalents.

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Using my calculator, 36/49 = 0.7346938

Hitting the square root button gives us

<< What is the square root of 36/49?>>

It can also be written (exacty) as 6/7

To convert units, you can use conversion factors. Here are the conversions for the given questions:

1. To convert liters (L) to centiliters (cL), you need to multiply by 100. So, 5 L = 5 x 100 = 500 cL.

2. To convert milliliters (mL) to liters (L), you need to divide by 1000. So, 102 mL = 102 / 1000 = 0.102 L.

3. To convert grams (g) to kilograms (kg), you need to divide by 1000. So, 1895 g = 1895 / 1000 = 1.895 kg.

4. To convert kilograms (kg) to grams (g), you need to multiply by 1000. So, 2.3 kg = 2.3 x 1000 = 2300 g.

Now, let's solve the last question.

The square root of 36/49:

First, divide 36 by 49 to get 36/49 = 0.7346938.

Then, calculate the square root of 0.7346938 using a calculator: sqrt(0.7346938) = 0.857148.

Therefore, the square root of 36/49 is approximately 0.857148, which can also be written as the exact fraction 6/7.