8. 2(NH4)3PO4--> 3N2+ O2+ 12H2+ 2PO3

a)name products
b)Name the reactant
c)type of reaction

this is the only info that is given///thank you

First, I know of no reaction like this; however, some answers are as follows:

Name the products: List everything on the right side of the arrow.
The reactants: everything on the left side of the arrow.
type of reaction: decomposition.

Thanks bob!!!

To answer the given questions about the chemical equation, let's break it down step by step:

a) Naming the products:
According to the balanced equation: 2(NH4)3PO4 → 3N2 + O2 + 12H2 + 2PO3

The products are:
- 3 moles of nitrogen gas (N2)
- 1 mole of oxygen gas (O2)
- 12 moles of hydrogen gas (H2)
- 2 moles of phosphorus trioxide (PO3)

b) Naming the reactant:
The reactant in this chemical equation is 2(NH4)3PO4, which is ammonium phosphate.

c) Identifying the type of reaction:
Based on the given information, it is not explicitly mentioned what type of reaction it is. However, by observing the changes in the elements and compounds involved, we can deduce that it is a decomposition reaction. A decomposition reaction occurs when a compound breaks down into simpler substances.

In this case, ammonium phosphate (2(NH4)3PO4) breaks down into nitrogen gas (N2), oxygen gas (O2), hydrogen gas (H2), and phosphorus trioxide (PO3).

If you have been provided additional information about the context or conditions in which the reaction occurs, it might be possible to further specify the type of reaction (e.g., thermal decomposition, electrolysis, etc.).