I hope that someone can help me answer this question because I am totaly mind blocked.

My question is:

I will be interviewed for an evening business report. As CEO of your computer manufacturing company, you must answer the following question. How do you account for the loss of company revenue this year? Try to remember the response will be analyzed by the reporter, the audience and the company sharehlders.
Thanks to anyone who can help

Some possible reasons a company's income may be down are:
it bought another company
the market is saturated with your old product
it's gearing up to present a new product
it changed accounting methods

I think if I were the CEO, I would be honest. No need to spin. If the competition was better, say so. If the company had lousy products, say so. Whatever he has analyzed the challenge to be, state that.

As the CEO, it is important to approach the question about the loss of company revenue with honesty and transparency while also considering the audience and stakeholders. Here's how you can structure your response:

1. Acknowledge the issue: Start by acknowledging the fact that the company has experienced a decline in revenue. This demonstrates a level of accountability and openness.

Example: "Thank you for bringing up this important question. I want to acknowledge that we have experienced a decline in company revenue this year."

2. Provide an analysis of the situation: Explain the factors that have contributed to the decline in revenue. You can consider the possible reasons mentioned earlier, such as acquiring another company, market saturation, product transitions, or accounting changes.

Example: "Upon thorough analysis, we have identified several factors that have impacted our revenue. One contributing factor was our recent acquisition of another company, which resulted in temporary integration challenges and affected our overall sales performance."

3. Demonstrate awareness of the market: Show that you are aware of the competitive landscape and how it may have influenced the company's revenue. This displays a realistic understanding of the challenges faced.

Example: "Additionally, we have observed that our market has become increasingly saturated with our previous product offerings. Our competitors have also been introducing innovative solutions that have attracted customers away from our company."

4. Explain strategic actions taken: Discuss the steps the company is taking to address the revenue decline and restore growth. Emphasize any initiatives or upcoming product launches that could positively impact future revenue.

Example: "To counteract these challenges, we have been actively working on introducing new products to meet evolving customer demands. We have made strategic investments in research and development to launch innovative solutions that we believe will regain market share and drive revenue growth moving forward."

5. Assure commitment to improvement: Conclude your response by expressing the company's commitment to addressing the revenue decline and improving the overall financial performance.

Example: "While we recognize the impact of the revenue decline, we are fully committed to taking the necessary steps to overcome these challenges. Our dedicated team is focused on continuous improvement and restoring the financial health of our company."

Remember to tailor your response to the specific circumstances of your company and provide genuine insights into the factors affecting revenue. Honesty, transparency, and a proactive approach to improvement will generally be appreciated by reporters, the audience, and shareholders.