I need to find a little more information about the differences between the North and South where it concerns the political and economic situation. Here is what I have: Policital, the North had an oppresive government. The South , the government, was subject to royal governors and dominated by planters, farmers, consisted of men and land owners. Economic: North: more industry, fishing and mining, farm were smaller, provided just for families, against slavery, religion was big. South: agriculture, wealthy land owners, for slavery, lived on plantations, was not religious people. Is there anything else that I should add?

What do you mean about an oppressive government in the Northern colonies? Explain.

The Southern colonists were religious -- but not as fundamental as the Northerners.

Weren't the Northern colonies also subject to royal governors?

When I say oppressive, I mean harsh, burdensome

So it was the South who was more religious than the North?

Yes the Northern colonies were also subject to royal governors. So how was the North and South different when it came to political?

"More religious" is a value judgement. The Northern colonies tended to be more rigid in their religious beliefs. Yet Rhode Island was founded by Quakers who worshipped much differently than the Puritans of Massachusetts. The Southern colonists were religious and included Catholics.

What does your book say about the different political systems?

That the North was not dependent on the government and wanted freedom. The South was dependent on the government.

Based on the information you provided, you have made a good start in identifying some differences between the North and South in terms of their political and economic situations. However, there are a few additional points you could consider adding to further enhance your understanding. Here are some suggestions:


1. Political Structure: In the North, there was a more democratic system where town meetings and local governance played a significant role. In contrast, the South had a more hierarchical structure with power concentrated in the hands of wealthy landowners and large plantation owners.

2. Views on States' Rights: The North generally had a stronger belief in a strong central government and the preservation of the Union. The South, on the other hand, emphasized states' rights and had a more pronounced belief in limited federal government interference.

3. Abolitionist Movement: While it is mentioned that the North was against slavery, it is worth noting that it became a hotbed for the abolitionist movement. Activists, writers, and speakers in the North played a crucial role in advocating for the end of slavery and promoting racial equality.


1. Industrialization: Expand on the North's industrial advancements, highlighting that it had a more diversified economy, characterized by manufacturing, textile mills, and other industries. The presence of strong transportation networks, like canals and railroads, facilitated trade and economic growth.

2. Cotton Economy: Emphasize that the South's economy heavily relied on cotton as the predominant cash crop. Slavery played a significant role in supporting the labor-intensive cotton plantations, impacting the region's economic structure.

3. Trade and Tariffs: Mention that the North generally supported protective tariffs to safeguard domestic industries, while the South, with its agricultural economy, often opposed tariffs that increased the cost of imported goods.

4. Financial Institutions: The North had more developed banking and financial institutions compared to the agrarian South, which had a more limited banking system.

By incorporating these additional points, you can provide a more comprehensive understanding of the political and economic differences between the North and South during this time period. Remember, historical contexts are often complex, so the information you gather should be analyzed critically to form a well-rounded perspective.