The saying "Necessity is the mother of invention" emphasizes the contribution of ___ to creativity.

A. certain mental activities

B. pure natural ability

C. intrinsic motivation

D. environmental conditions.

What do you think?

i think (B) but then i question if its (C)

The key word here is "necessity". Which does necessity appeal to most... ability or motivation?

right! I you NEED something that motivates you to get up and go. <G>

I don't think it's either one. To me, this statement means that if people NEED something, then they'll invent something to satisfy that need.

This is a silly example, but I claim that a short woman was the first tool user. Something was to high to reach, so she grabbed a stick to get it down to her level.

You are more likely to think of new ways of doing things when your attempts to achieve your goals are frustrated by your surroundings. Does that help?

The saying "Necessity is the mother of invention" suggests that the need for something or a problem to be solved is a driving force behind the creation of new ideas and innovations. This emphasizes the contribution of environmental conditions to creativity.

To arrive at this answer, we can break down the phrase and its meaning. "Necessity" refers to the need or requirement for something. "Invention" implies the creation of something new or the development of a solution. When we combine these two elements, we understand that the phrase highlights how necessity or need plays a pivotal role in driving individuals to come up with innovative ideas or solutions.

This concept aligns with the importance of environmental conditions in enabling and fostering creativity. By having certain needs or problems to address within a specific environment, individuals are more likely to engage in creative thinking and problem-solving to find solutions. Therefore, the correct answer is D. environmental conditions.